Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Rimini
Here we have put together the most popular questions asked by tourists before travelling to Rimini.
When to visit Rimini?
Answer: the high season begins in mid-June and lasts until September 1. August is considered to be the peak one, and during the week, in which August 15 falls, it becomes very difficult to find any vacant rooms in hotels. More details can be found on the webpage "Best Season to Visit”.
Currency in Italy
Answer: the only common currency is euro. The smallest currency note is 5 euros; and all that is below 5 euro is only in coins. We do not recommend exchanging your currency at your hotel. You may contact any bank; they are open only on weekdays from 8.30 am to 01.30 pm and from 3 pm to 4.30 pm. As far as currency exchange bureaus are concerned, you will be charged a commission. Credit cards are accepted almost everywhere; in fact it is difficult to find a place, where they are not accepted.
Is intercity transport in Italy convenient?
Answer: Very much. The network of intercity transport in Italy is very well developed. By train, one can reach any place in Italy within a few hours.
Where to park a car in Rimini?
Answer: make sure to put this question to your hotel, even if they do not have their own parking lot, they will tell you the nearest one and may offer you a discount (if it is paid parking).
If you are driving to the downtown city for a day - there are plenty of parking lots, even on the waterfront. All of them are paid parking charging 1 euro per hour, or about 6 euros per day. Lot of big parking lots are located at the railway station and on the waterfront...
Working time of shops in Rimini?
Answer: Monday to Saturday, from 8 am to 8 pm. Lunch break from 1 pm to 3.30 pm. They are usually closed on Sundays, except during the peak holiday season. From early July, you get seasonal discounts. While shopping, make sure to ask for TAX-FREE receipt. More details on the "Shopping in Rimini” webpage.
Where it is recommended to eat in Rimini?
Answer: the food - it's like a religion for Italians. We have described in detail on the webpage "All about the Italian cuisine".
Do I need to leave a tip in Rimini?
Answer: no one will refuse tips. But Italians almost never give a tip, so you can quietly, after dinner, pay at cash counter, without tipping.
What is the cost of using services on a beach in Rimini?
Answer: more details about the beaches are given on the webpage "Beaches in Rimini”, however, to use services, you need to take at least 1 sunbed on rent, which may cost about 6 euros.
Ask about holiday in Rimini
Answer: please use this form.
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